Well, our first fun match with the new website is this Sunday and for the most part it’s functioning very well. I found one glitch (thanks, Samantha!) but fixed it pretty quickly.
I’m really loving the website, though. It is soooo much easier to use on my end and I think it will be easier for everyone else, too. I can add new things and update pages as well as write this blog. How cool is that?
If you see anything that doesn’t seem to be working correctly, please feel free to email me. My web designer is out of town till next week so it may take awhile to fix something but we’ll get it done.
We survived the wind storm with only minimal damage except for Mary’s dog walk. I think it is very fixable, however. We do have LOTS of pine needles on the fields but they will be cleared for the fun match. We haven’t had power for two days and PG&E doesn’t know when they will get it back on. Fortunately, we don’t need power to hold the fun match, oh, except I guess we won’t be having our usual coffee…sorry about that….
Hope to see you this Sunday. The weather should be beautiful!